My info

My name is Josh Scharpf. I am a senior in High School From Black River Falls, WI. I enjoy playing soccer, listening to music, playing guitar, watching hockey and Rollerjam on TV, sleeping, partying, and hanging out with friends. I am an atheist...that means I do not believe in anything but what is now. My friends include Dustin, Tim L., Tim R., Kendra, Matt, Britt, Ryan, Joe, Dave, David, Adam, April, Megan, Ross, Jayd, Brandon, Greg, Luke, Spencer, Danielle, Leah, Kristin, Amanda, Jordan, and many more but it would be really lame to list everyone which I would consider my friends. I falso have a beautiful girlfriend.
Many people wonder why I am atheist and question my beliefs. A lot of them are blind followers. They sometimes want me to explain why I don't believe in God. So I ask them why they do. They usually say something about how they were raised. When I was young, I went to church too...But I didn't buy in to all the bullshit the old guy with the beer gut was saying. Then they want reasons...They want proof....that God doesn't exist. So I say, prove to me that he does...not one person has been able to do it.
The one bible story that really pisses me off is Noah's Ark. How the hell does somebody expect me to believe that one guy built this HUGE ship, big enough for two of every species of animal and insect and plant, then gathered up all the animals, and then gathered up enough food to feed him, his family, and all the animals, all in one lifetime. I don't care how long people lived in biblical times....that is still too fucking impossible to believe. And everyone else in the world died but him and his family...whatever.

Well, that's all I have to say about me right now. This page will be updated once in a while, so check back.

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